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Where There's a Will There's a Way

It has been quite some time since I've had the opportunity to sit and write you all; this summer has by far been the longest summer of my life, or so it seemed. We've had a lot of ups and downs the last few months but so much has come together and everything is beginning to show great promise and great reward; There is so much I have to journal about so writing will have to come in waves. As many of you know I am always looking into new opportunities to earn as well as save a little extra cash; and with only 119 days left until Christmas I feel this is something I should really share with all of you.

As I sat sifting though updates from my blog circle, one of my fellow bloggers began to journal her weight loss journey. I was amazed by the transition this woman had made; I've followed her for a few years now and I couldn't help but reach out to congratulate her on such an amazing accomplishment. I know first hand how hard it is to dedicate yourself to good health and commitment to change; but more so how long of a road that commitment actually is. After her divorce she found herself morbidly obese, alone and in a deep depression. All she wanted was to find the strength to change and to love her self as she once did. She knew joining a gym would be intimidating and feared judgment and criticism from others around her, so she decided to join a small group she found through a community Facebook page; her and 3 other women paired together and began walking nightly working their way up to routines in the park. Just over a month after joining one of the group members posted about a Team Weight Loss Challenge she had read about online through a fitness journal; top winners could be rewarded up to $10,000 for their weight loss. With no hesitation they signed on with even more motivation than before. She stated in her journal that she had never imagined that she could be paid to lose weight; although she was skeptical about the challenge she stood in her commitment and worked alongside her partners to reach their goal. As I try to keep a long story short I found I was intrigued by this opportunity so I had to look into it for myself. The site she referred to is HealthyWager who offers Team Challenges as well as Individual Challenges. My dear friend is utilized this opportunity and not only accepted the Team challenge but she places her own personal wager as well. That really got me thinking, how great would it to actually get paid to lose weight?? Guess what America, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I am happy to announce that we have started our own group challenge and I have placed my personal wager as well. I don't have quite as much to lose as my friend or fellow team members, but the great thing about the individual challenge is you can wage any amount; try calculating your wage for fun and see what your incentive could be.

I am really excited to share this opportunity with you all, I've never come across something as rewarding as this. We all need a little motivation in our lives to help us stick to our commitments and be a more responsible with our goals. I read in a study published by the Mayo Clinic that people are more likely to stick with a goal/commitment if a cash incentive is received; thus the reason we have paid studies and trials. Skip the guinea pig line with all the medication trials and medical procedures. Get paid to do what you are already doing, just with an added incentive when you reach your goal.

Seize all opportunities presented to you, maximize you potential reward be it financial or personal wellness and work on building up not only yourself but everything else around you. If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value.

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